Meditation for Working People

We transform the world of work, re-engineer mindsets and impact lives through regular online and in-person science-based meditation sessions and workshops for organisations.

“The Meditation Office has shown me that meditation isn't just for hippies—it’s for everyone—and that we can all use it as a tool to make our lives a lot more comfortable.”

— Alex, Unicode

The Meditation Office – at a Glance


Thoroughly trained in meditation for over 20 years. Impacting lives and workplaces for over 5 years.


Comprehensive and personalized programs for businesses and individuals— available worldwide.


Celebrating the success of re-energized brands, united teams and fulfilled individuals.


No far-fetched claims or opinions—simply pure science.

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Solutions for Companies

Transform the workplace, unite teams and boost performance with evidence-based meditation programs with short and long-term impact for the employees, the company culture and the organization as a whole.

✓ Workshops

✓ Meditation Sessions

✓ 1-to-1 Guidance

✓ Online and In-Person

“I had a dream to introduce meditation as a daily part of life in the office. The Meditation Office advised me how to set up a programme and provided our meditation teachers. I like working with them because of their thorough knowledge about meditation, combined with a down-to-earth presentation style, which is much appreciated by my colleagues.”

— Geertje, KPN

Clients Who Trust Us
